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Minneapolis > Community > General Community > Extra Income! Recommend me for $200/mo paid in Advance

Extra Income! Recommend me for $200/mo paid in Advance

Minneapolis, MN • 08/29/2007

I will pay you $200 per month to tell people about my workshops. All you need to do is meet with me for 20 minutes while I explain my workshops, and then email me the first and last name of everyone you recommend, so I know that they came from you. You get paid regardless of whether they attend or not. Simple as that.

I’m experimenting with this method of advertising to potentially replace print ads I’ve used in the past. If some of your people attend, I will probably keep paying you each month. If not, then not. The catch is this: YOU”RE NOT ALLOWED TO “SELL” PEOPLE. If I find out that you’ve pressured or manipulated anyone into attending, then I will not do business with you. The workshops sell themselves pretty instantly, if the person has need of the service offered.

If interested, email me a description of the line of work you are in, what types of customers or clients you come into contact with, what you do for them, and how long you’ve been doing it. Please be sure to include a description of the types of clients/customers you most frequently come into contact with. If your clients/customers fit my target, I’ll set up a phone meeting with you, and we can take it from there.

This could be the easiest $200 per month you’ve ever earned.


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Minneapolis, MN

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