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Minneapolis > Classifieds > Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles > '91 Tracker, 120k VERY LITTLE RUST! RUNS AND DRIVES GREAT! - $1450

'91 Tracker, 120k VERY LITTLE RUST! RUNS AND DRIVES GREAT! - $1450

Minneapolis, MN • 08/31/2007

All right, if anyone is looking for cool little summer toy or winter vehicle, I'VE GOT ONE!!!! Good looking, good running 1991 Geo Tracker. With only 120k the body is in very good condition, 4X4 works and the automatic transmission shifts nicely. Motor seems to be in good shape, does not burn or use oil. I was planning on using this as my winter vehicle, but plans have changed. I need to sell the SUV to fix my wifes mini-van, the motor went out. 1-218-566-7926 or


Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Minneapolis, MN

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