Re Re: need help
Minneapolis, MN • 08/31/2007
This is to the person that has the daughter and grand children that are homeless.Is it not better to ask for the help before this person becomes homeless like you say your family members are?? NEWS FLASH charity isn't just for people that are homeless.There are many many resoucres for people that are about to become homeless or that are homeless already. People just don't like many of the options. As for giving to a real charity! Why should people give to them places and have alot of the money that is donated go to others income that run the charity's?? or go towards not really helping like it was meant for.
I may self would rather give to the people and not the charity's. This way i can really see that my money has done some good.Does your daughter live here in minnesota? Because there are lot of resouces here for homeless people!
Posted by: OhSoHandy User
Located: Minneapolis, MN
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